Monday, August 6, 2012


Life is full of surprises, sometimes good and sometimes bad. The other night I was sitting outside on a deck and when I looked inside a house and got an eyeful of a bad one. I think I'm still traumatized. But I think it's the little surprises that make life a constant joy.

A good surprise is someone sending you flowers unexpectedly, for no particular reason. It's when someone, who remembers some random comment you made forever ago, brings you one of your favorite things just to cheer you up or comfort you. It's a call or an email from a friend you haven't heard from in awhile. The little things in life. Those things go a long way to helping us smile. 

Those are just examples. Maybe they aren't examples that work for everyone. They do make me smile. Heck, my boss brought us all flowers for something one day, and I smiled all day. My parents sent me a good luck plant the day before I had an important exam. That blew me away, mainly because they understood how important it was to me. I also have my good luck kitty beanie baby my mom gave me before another important exam. My kitty went with me to the exam. I perched him on my purse across the room so I could see him during the exam. I passed with flying colors. My kitty came with me to the second exam too, but he had to stay in the car.

I love it when you think something is going to go a certain not so good way, and then it turns out completely different in a way you never could have anticipated. A complete blindside that knocks you off your feet. This is my pessimistic self. Sometimes I can't image good things happening to me, even though good things happen all the time. I really am blessed in certain aspects of my life. In others, not so much.

I just felt like count my blessings tonight. I do have joy in my life, even if I don't express that emotion too much. Too often the negativity and realism comes out, and that is what I express instead of the happiness. 

I wish everyone the joy that comes from life's little surprises.

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