Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Night ramblings

Why is it I get more talkative at night? It is almost 1 a.m. and I'm wide awake. I've been chatting this evening and I just can't unwind. 

I swear the more tired I get the more I talk. I have a few friends who are night owls, and many times they call me and we chat late at night. Once I get going, I can't seem to stop. Usually because we have the most interesting conversations. Something about the night makes me braver in that I'm more likely to say or do something I wouldn't consider during the day. I think it's because I forget to care about propriety. 

I will discuss almost anything. Chat forever. And I usually don't start these conversations. I blame it on damn computer games. I log on long enough to check the status of something or do something and I'm hit. And I forget to turn my computer off, so it shows me online when I'm not. But then I get a notification on my phone. This is a bad thing. I can't seem to unplug. 

Oh well. Since I'm up and rambling anyway, I thought I'd update the blog. I've been trying to find something interesting to write about. My life is semi-boring right now. But I am alive and well AND happy most of the time. I have a few stressors in my life, but I'm tying not to let them get me down.

Good night.

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