Sunday, December 4, 2011


I apologize for sharing too much sometimes, but it's a free country. You may choose to read my stuff, or not. If you read my stuff you know I'm trying to be funny most of the time, but always real. And honest.

I'm not going to vilify someone for speaking their mind on facebook or any place else. I may disagree with you and argue with you about it, but I'm not going to be mean or call you names if your opinion varies from mine. I can be negative, but usually I'm being realistic. And I'm only mean to people who know me, and know I'm joking. They mean to me also, and I know they are joking too.

Most of us share too much information via facebook. Why do you think it is so addictive?

Since I moderately sure no one is reading my blog who is going to judge me for what I'm about to say, I'm going to share.

I am frustrated and scared and lonely and at this particular moment I really want to cry. I doubt that I'm doing the right thing, and I wonder if I'm becoming what I hate the most. Am I being self-destructive, or am I just going to self destruct? I know I'm hurting myself right now, and somehow I can't stop myself from doing it. Not everyone knows what I'm talking about, but if you do know I'm troubled. I haven't fallen into the "trap;" however I wonder if I'm doing the right thing. Is this me? I'm not sure, and most of the time I don't care.

That's it for tonight. Sweet dreams.

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